Anyway, back to me - I have an apartment! Moving this week is our current priority, and I'm very excited to have my own space. Also, the gf might be getting a full-time job soon - she has an interview today and one on Monday. Wish her luck!
In other news, I watched the debate last night. I think the Republicans are race-baiting, and Congressman John Lewis was right. If someone comes to your rally and screams that your opponent should be killed, racial slurs, or other horrible things, you should call them out and stop it so that it doesn't happen again. Calling your opponent a terrorist is NOT OK. Letting your supporters call for him to be killed - NOT OK. I agree with Stanley Rich on this one. Republicans are playing up fear, and inevitably, some of that fear is race-based. I guess the McCain campaign is doing so poorly they cannot afford to offend their racist supporters, either.

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