Anyhoo, things are good here in view of the mountains. The gf may get a job soon, though she also now has a part-time job to get a little extra cash to help pay the bills. Mostly, my bills, because I've been buying everything. We're trying to keep track of spending and doing so by having me spend all of it and keep track. It'll work, I promise.
Thanks to my good friend Jim for the link to this website. The videos are pretty funny, but my favorite was the fake McCain robocalls. Priceless.
The election is only 9 days away! What on earth are we going to do for the next week? I know, watch the Daily Show online FOR-E-VER. Starting now.
Oh, and work is great. I love working for KTEH/KQED and Northern California Public Broadcasting. It rocks. Development too, rocks.
(Sorry about this post, I'm a little distracted by the Daily Show.)