I just felt like coming here and expressing some frustration. Things I don't like:
1. Friends who don't get back to me.
2. Coming to grips with the fact that those people are no longer my friends.
3. Dealing with other people's ineptitude.
4. Being hormonal.
5. Feeling emo with no real outlet.
6. Documentaries that use the same phrase over, and over, and over again, e.g. "But this was not enough to protect it. (Insert activist name here) knew that to save the land, it needed to be a National Park." Sorry, Ken Burns- I was not that impressed in retrospect. Still, I will visit the national parks.
7. Republicans whose only policy initiative is to make the Democrats lose. We don't need you to do that- we can do that very well ourselves, thanks.
8. Automatic responses from "Senators" that make it obvious they did not read your email. At least pretend in a more compelling way.
9. People who create separate non-profit organizations instead of combining resources with other existing institutions who could do the job better. Because we really need more NGOs to which I feel compelled to give money.
10. Duplicating work.
I think I will leave it at that. Feel free to back me up on any of these things, reader/s.